CO-EYE offender APP
CheckPoint APP
Low risk offender Monitoring APP
CheckPoint APP is a tool for low-risk criminal smartphone tracking software, which is an important supplement to electronic monitoring devices such as RF ankle electronic bracelets, GPS ankle bracelet shackles and electronic monitoring tracker. The APP supports mainstream smartphone on the market include iOS and Android OS. On the other hand, it provides higher regulatory requirements for high-risk objects, such as auxiliary monitoring channels for double-control.
The main functions of the CheckPoint APP include continuous background monitoring BLE anti-tamper bracelet, fast real-time location acquisition; timely message notification; integrated two-way information interaction; facial photo collection for evidence; upload and management of documents such as report certification; schedule supervision and tracking, etc.
CheckPoint APP Features
Continuous background monitoring CO-EYE BLE i-Bracelet
Continuous confirmation approach generally employs a secure, body-worn tether linked via radio frequency, CO-EYE BLE i-Bracelet with the smartphone. Even screen off, CheckPoint APP still work well to keep background proximity monitoring.
Dual-channel notification design
The APP adopts a dual-channel real-time notification mechanism design with a high arrival rate. The combined in-app notification and SMS message guarantee the delivery of alarms or notifications. Regardless of whether the APP is open or not, in-app notifications can be delivered for iOS version of Apple phones and Android phones; SMS notifications It adopts triple play signature SMS, supports SMS reply, SMS arrival status detection, and mobile phone status detection.
Fast location acquisition
CheckPoint APP has the ability to capture the position in seconds that can be located when the APP is opened. Fast and accurate location acquisition provides a strong guarantee for offender's postion verification, and the fusion of multi-sensor data verification can effectively cope with GPS location deception.
Diversified photo forensics
The photo verification function provided by CheckPoint APP is not only used to collect facial recognition and comparison photos of the subject, but also designed to collect and upload documents that need to be reported, such as thought reports, inspection reports, and certification documents, and provide document management for the subject in the cloud supervision process convenient.
Schedule reminder and tracking
CheckPoint APP has functions such as task reminders and execution tracking according to the targeted supervision setting schedule of the supervisory authority. For example, in community corrections, according to the personalized correction schedule designed by the correction center, APP will automatically complete the offender's position verify, daily correction work reminders and follow-up inspections of the implementation process.
Ready to see CO-EYE ankle electronic bracelet in action? Schedule a demo today!
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